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Litter Box Tips for Tripawds - Member Tips
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24 February 2018 - 9:22 am
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Litter Box Tips for Tripawds - Member Tips

Think outside of the box for recovery - low sided, easier access, a step up & out.

Calling all Tripawd Kitty Pawrents..

Does anyone have litterbox hacks?  Something that worked for you and your kitty after surgery in recovery & after recovery?  

Something that did not work for you and your tripawd would also be appreciated. Please add if your trikitty is a rear leg or front leg amp and the details. We have all been thru this let's take some guesswork out for the future trikitties.  

Please share in this forum. THANK YOU!

We bought a special box for recovery, and we could have saved the money and altered our regular litter box. We all learn as we go!  This is the Recovery box we bought.  We thought this would be purrfect with the low lip for Purrkins (front leg amp) in recovery.  It was not purrfect, it was still too high, and the lip came outward. It was hard for Purrkins to get in and out on his own without flopping into the box and out of the box face first.


IMG_0749-1.jpgImage Enlarger

We made it more accessible for him by cutting the rim down.


IMG_0750-1-2.jpgImage Enlarger

This did the trick for Purrkins in recovery. This box proved to be too small after recovery, and we went back to our regular litter box with the same alterations. Below


petmategiantlitterpan.jpgImage Enlarger



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This works great for us. Purrkins brother quad Saxton has never minded the alterations.(notice big litter mat)

We used a Dremel tool with a cutting wheel on it, then filed it smooth there are no jagged areas! This is tough plastic you need power tools!  

If you do not have a Dremel tool, you could use Rubbermaid totes. They come in all different sizes and colors. Rubbermaid totes are more flexible and are not so tough to cut.  You can cut the Rubbermaid totes with a box cutter or utility knife, X-Acto knife, please BE CAREFUL & file jagged edges.

This is a tall example and great for kitties that pee high or scatter litter everywhere.


This is a newer litter box from Pet Fusion that has recently come out, and it looks like it would be great for tripawds.

petfusion.jpgImage Enlarger

This box from Natures Miracle would also provide easier access.

Naturesmiracle.jpgImage Enlarger

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  • Be patient Kitty just had major surgery, you may or may not need to tweak the box.
  • You may or may not need to help your new tripawd kitty in and out of the box the first day home.

Some people change litter type after surgery, follow your Vets instructions of course.  We were not asked to change our litter.

I am a kitty owner just like you, not all cats are alike, but cats, in general, do not like immediate change!  In my opinion, only I would not change the litter when kitty comes home from surgery!  Enough has changed! Let's not cause any more stress with a litter change!

Be prepared if you make a litter change after surgery, to have what your kitty is used to using if there is an issue (kitty not going potty or going outside of the box) get your old litter out! ASAP

Other things to consider

  •  If there is a lid on the box, take the lid off! (lids are a human preference, not kitty preference )
  •  If there is a door on the box get rid of the door.
  •  Make the box easier to get in and out of, by cutting the box, adding a step up and out to easier access the box.
  •  Put the box close to where kitty is recovering, but not too close to food and water bowls.
  •  A low-entry pan * - get a litter mat for the litter scatter or mess.  We can work around this issue!  A litter mat will become your best friend! 

*note - Purrkins can use a regular sized box without it being cut out!!
 Do I want him to hop out of a regular size pan (uncut)? NO.  
Do I want Purrkins to have NO problem using the litter box? YES.  This will put less stress on Purrkins remaining limbs as he ages. We need to think long-term with our tripawd kitties!  We took the spare let's protect the 3.

  • Scoop often! Kitty may not have the energy to cover up their business at first.  No big deal they will gain strength each day.

After recovery things to consider are-

  • Placement - low traffic area (privacy)
  • Multi-level homes - a litter box on each level, convenient for your tripawd kitty - let's make things easier for our kitties!  If kitty is upstairs and needs to go the basement to use the box? You might be asking for problems.
  • Size of the box - is the box big enough?  
The box should be big enough for your cat to turn around in comfortably - consider the size of your cat!
  • Litter should be at least 2 inches deep not deeper than 4 inches (I keep ours 
about 2 1/2 inches)
  • Multi-cat household one box per cat plus one !! We have 2 cats and 3 boxes.

If you have a cat going outside of the box, first rule out medical issues. Then start the detective work. This is usually human error most of the time & with detective work, time and patience these litter issues can be resolved! Sometimes we have to go thru trial and error. Educate yourself on cats and litter box issues. Hopefully, you educate yourself before having problems; sometimes we have to learn as we go either way, please don't give up on your Tripawd kitty!!

We look forward to seeing everyone put what works and what does not work here.  We and our kitties are all individuals and what works for one may not work for another! This is why I feel it is important to have more than one person's experience here. 

Please take a few minutes to add your reply when you have time. It will be much appreciated in the future.

Thank You❣️


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24 February 2018 - 10:11 am
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I N V A L U A B L E!!!!      Thank you soooo much for taking the rime to share all these noteworthy tips!!!  Such great  pictures and instructions!   What you and Purrkins have done for the kitty community.....for all of quite miraculous!!

Love and hugsheart

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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24 February 2018 - 6:28 pm
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This is fantastic! Thank you so much Holly, it's so helpful to have this as its own discussion in one place. I will pin it to the top of the forum so it doesn't get buried. Thank you for sharing such valuable experience!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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25 February 2018 - 10:49 am
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Nice job, Holly! Great tips 🙂

I'm sure things are much tougher for a front-leg amp kitty. I don't have much to add, just wanted to mention that Jet (rear-leg amp) has never had any trouble using the box. I didn't have to make any alterations to the boxes. But I also didn't acquire him until a couple of months after his amp.

I have two cats, and just the two boxes, both of which are kept in my guest bathroom bathtub (single level home). Jet has no problem getting up in the tub. I keep the litter level like you do, about 2.5 inches. I use World's Best cat litter.



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25 February 2018 - 11:57 am
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Thanks for posting Brad!

Every post and all info is helpful! Thank you, Much appreciated!
I remembered you saying you had the litter box in the tub;) Less mess;)

I did not think to add what litter we used great addition!

We use Smart Cat All Natural Clumping Litter (made out of grass)

Keep them coming please ! Been helped here ? Add to this post please.

On The Road

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27 February 2018 - 10:45 am
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Just testing a theory here, please disregard...

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

On The Road

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27 February 2018 - 10:48 am
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admin said
please disregard...  

Apparently the issue of topics with emojis in the title disappearing upon reload has been addressed by the powers that be.

For future reference, however, we do kindly ask that users still refrain from using emojis within topic titles to ensure stability and compatibility on all devices and browsers.

Thank you, carry on now... way-cool

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


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27 February 2018 - 12:12 pm
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SORRY ADMIN I do know better!blush
My emojis have become a bad habit! I caught this after I posted of course!
Thank you for fixing your DISDAIN for emojis again!oh-my

For future reference, however, we do kindly ask that users still refrain from using emojis within topic titles to ensure stability and compatibility on all devices and browsers.


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28 February 2018 - 7:23 am
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Holly this is going to be an invaluable go to forum!!! Even as a big baloo dog Tripawd pawrent, it will be easy for me to direct future kitty pawrents to this forum! Well done! You are an endless wealth of information and help! Thank you! clap

So, I’m not a Kitty Tripawd pawrent, but I have recently been inspired by one to help my old boy Spikey have an even easier time of getting in and out of his litter box. winker
Spike is almost 19 years old and is really starting to ‘feel the pain’ of getting old.

Years ago I bought one of the rollable litter boxes and have (for years now) divided the two halves creating two separate litter boxes with little dips for openings. (Most of my cats have been fairly big and preferred open topped boxes)

The boxes have to be kept up, off our basement floor due to moisture issues, but I have never had a step up before, not really thinking that my cats would need one, but my inspawration suggested that I make life a little easier for Spike in his old achy years! 😉 so I turned the raised stand into a step up for him.

This is a picture of my two downstairs litter boxes. With the little step up for Spikey.
I have four boxes for four cats and I clean them twice daily.

Petraspikey1-1-e1519794746889.jpegImage Enlarger

And here is a picture of the same litter box,available years later at Bed, Bath and Beyond.

bedbathbeyondbox.jpgImage Enlarger

Thanks for  opportunity to put a picture of my lovely old litter boxes on line! Ha! I didnt ask the cats if it was okay if i put there toilet facilities out for the world to see! laughing

Cheers to you all

Petra, Stewie, Spike, Chester, Miss Lily and Ted. 


On July 10/17 I became a Super Tripawd! You can find out more about my Pawrents Allensong but first Check out my 🎗 journey Super Stu Remember...“live in the moment!“  


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28 February 2018 - 8:11 am
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Thanks for posting Petra exclamation this applies to Tripawd kitties and older kitties both, that is a great idea & you were "thinking outside of the box!"

Hopefully, all of our kitties can live as long as Dear Spikey we have to be aware of aches and pains and missing limbs this is clapFANTASTIC!

Thank you for sharing the crew's facilities - I didn't ask the boys if I could advertise their toilets to thousands eitherlaughingwinker



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28 February 2018 - 8:32 am
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admin said

admin said
please disregard...  

Apparently the issue of topics with emojis in the title disappearing upon reload has been addressed by the powers that be.

For future reference, however, we do kindly ask that users still refrain from using emojis within topic titles to ensure stability and compatibility on all devices and browsers.

Thank you, carry on now... way-cool  

The link is not working because of my emoji use Admin,oh-my I hit the link in the email.

Screen-Shot-2018-02-28-at-10.19.46-AM.jpgImage Enlarger

This is what shows when I hit the linkoh-myugh sorry for the pain in the rear!

Screen-Shot-2018-02-28-at-10.18.50-AM.jpgImage Enlarger

So everyone else knows why the Admin/system does not like  Emojis!!

Gibberish makes emojis see examples below!

(😩= 😩 )


(😞 =😞)


On The Road

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28 February 2018 - 10:19 am
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Purrkins said

This is what shows when I hit the link...

Well, we didn't think that would be a globally compatible fix... 😞

Thanks for confirming!

The title to this topic has now been edited, and any existing links to the topic will no longer work.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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28 February 2018 - 10:32 am
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admin said

The title to this topic has now been edited, and any existing links to the topic will no longer work.  

Hi Admin and Holly,

so I am still getting this link title showing,

“New post on a forum or topic you are subscribed to at Tripawds Blogs :

From: admin
Group: Life on Three Legs
Forum: Three Legged Cats
Topic: Litter Box Tips for Tripawds - Member Tips 🤞🏻
URL: http://tripawds.....p205826”

But I was actually able to come through to this site this time through this link, so thanks for fixing it for me you guys!

Petra heart

On July 10/17 I became a Super Tripawd! You can find out more about my Pawrents Allensong but first Check out my 🎗 journey Super Stu Remember...“live in the moment!“  


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28 February 2018 - 12:32 pm
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The title to this topic has now been edited, and any existing links to the topic will no longer work.

Thank you for repairing thisugh! 😎

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15 March 2018 - 9:48 am
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Hey y'all

Thank you Holly and everybody, they are all great ideas. Our little friends like to keep it clean if you know what I mean.  Just to let you know what I did for my girl and it worked so well. I bought a huge plastic dog bed with the front lip already taken out. Removed the cushion and lined it with a big dog pad. It was big enough for my girl to lie in fully and with space left over so she was always clean. This is an idea for anyone whose kitty just cannot stand and needs to lie. Normally three-pawed cats will have enough balance to stand but if they don't this works wonders.

Love to all those tripawds out there.

I am still in a world of deep grief after losing my girl ( see my eyes are welling now) but I am trying to bring myself back into the community to offer love and support where I can. I feel as if Three Paw wants me to help others it is just so hard sometimes because her absence is so heavy some days.



Three Paw waiting in line for the loo last year when we went on a beach holiday

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